BlueCielo Meridian Enterprise 2013 User's Guide | BlueCielo ECM Solutions

You are here: About searches > Using Quick Find

Using Quick Find

Quick Find is a more advanced search method than Key Find but simpler than Find. Quick Find is available only from the Find toolbar shown in the following figure.

To search using Quick Find, use the lists on the toolbar as follows:

  1. Select a property or option to search. The properties listed are those designated by a system administrator as Key Find properties. Besides the Key Find properties, the following options may be selected:

NEW  Note    The exact match and fuzzy search options for document content and memo content determine how substrings in text are detected. They can be important for finding, for example, the same date formatted for different locales (1-2-2013 vs. 2-1-2013) or a document, object tag, or part number that contains punctuation characters (71-3810.10).

  1. Select a search operator:
  1. Specify one of the following search terms:
  1. Select a search context:
  1. Click the Run Search button or press Enter to start the search. If the search is successful, the Navigation view automatically changes to Find Results with the found documents listed. The Find Results view can be configured and filtered the same as other views as described in Working with Navigation views. If the search is unsuccessful, an information dialog box appears. Click OK to stop searching. Click Cancel to modify the search parameters and try again.

Note The Run Search button is cleared when a search condition is selected that is not valid for the current search property or option. The following table indicates the valid conditions for each property type or search option:

Supported search conditions
Search Type Equals Contains Starts With Contains Multiple Words






Key Find properties





Document Content





Text and Memo Content





Text and All Content





If you select the search context All Vaults and your search is successful, the results are shown in a new window instead of in the Find Results Navigation view. Select a document and click Details to show the thumbnail and a limited number of properties for the selected document. If you select a document that resides in a different vault and either click the Go To button or double-click the document, a new PowerUser window opens and the document you selected is made the selected document.

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About searches

Working with collections

Related tasks

Viewing a collection

Saving searches as collections

Configuring a dynamic collection

Deleting a collection

Using Key Find

Using Find

Related information

Name Type options

More Criteria options

Object types options

References options

Search Settings options

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